Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Learn About What is in Tap Water and Protect Your Health

Here, you can learn about what is in tap water This is important, because we buy far too many bottled beverages and should be drinking clean and pure water. But, the purity of tap water is always a major concern.

Did you know that all bottled waters are either heavily treated groundwater or municipally supplied and run through a reverse osmosis filter? Did you know that companies like Coke and Pepsi are literally reselling YOUR tap-water to you?

If you are drinking Dasani or Aquafina, because you are worried about what is in tap water don't bother. The chemicals that are in publicly treated supplies are not removed through their reverse osmosis filters and they don't take additional steps to remove them.

The purity of tap water is unquestionable when you have an effective point-of-use or home filtration system. You don't have to spend a lot of money. You simply have to shop for quality and compare product performance data. The details speak for themselves.

What affects the purity of tap water today, includes chlorine, parasitic cysts resistant to chlorination and other public disinfection methods, traces of lead and other metals, but the biggest long-term health threat is the constant exposure to thousands of chemical toxins and carcinogens.

We are exposed to these chemicals in many ways throughout the day. Efforts are being made to prevent some of them from being used in beverage containers, food wrappers and cosmetics, but they take so long to break down in the environment, that our water will always be contaminated with them.

As governments around the world put tighter controls on industrial pollutants, the levels may decrease in a hundred years or so. But, right now, we have to worry about what is in tap water and make every effort to protect ourselves.

To insure the purity of tap water in your home, you don't need an expensive reverse osmosis step, regardless of the advertising hype. The brands to avoid include Ever-Pure, GE and Amway, because they are overpriced. Other brands, including Brita, PUR, Clean & Pure, Kenmore and Aqua-Pure should be avoided, because they do not provide effective contaminant removal.

Remember what is in tap water when you go shopping. You need submicron filtration to remove cysts. You need granular carbon and a multi-media filter to remove all of the chemical toxins and carcinogens, including chlorine. You need ion exchange to remove lead and other metallic traces.

Ion exchange does a great deal to insure the purity of tap water and to provide the best tasting, healthiest beverage that money can buy. But, you only have to pay about a dime per gallon. Imagine drinking and cooking with something that tastes fresh and natural, without having to carry in jug after jug of bottled water.

You can stop imagining and start getting healthier. Now, you have learned what is in tap water and I think you know what to do about it.

Dominic Anderton is a dedicated reseacher on the health benefits of purified drinking and bath water. Visit his site now at http://www.pure-and-safe-water.com to get the facts on how to choose the best water purification system.