Monday, February 18, 2008

Herbal Medicines For Fibrositis Treatment

Fibrositis is a painful condition that is characterized by widespread pain with multiple tight and tender spots in the muscles. These are felt as cordlike fibers of muscle in the surrounding, relaxed musculature. Symptoms include pain, fatigue, stiffness, sleep disturbances, an irritable bowel, muscle twitching, frequent urination, premenstrual syndrome, headaches, anxiety, mood swings, poor concentration and memory, and balance problems, among others. The condition appears to be exacerbated by damp weather, intense activity, and stress.

Sufferers are predominantly female Caucasians, and the severity (in this case, the number of tender spots on the muscles) increases with age. The cause is largely unknown, although it is thought to be related to allergies, chemical sensitivities, and toxicity, as well as an individual's stress and anxiety.


Diet and Nutrition Reduce intake of refined carbohydrates, processed foods with artificial additives, and carbonated drinks. Increase your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables, and their juices. A combination of biochemic tissue salts may be appropriate. Supplementation with multivitamins and minerals, especially vitamins C and B complex and zinc may be suggested in order to address any deficiencies that may be causing or exacerbating the condition.

Acupressure Tender points will be addressed.

Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:

Acupuncture Treatment can be used to control pain; moxibustion will be used for excesses of cold, wind, or dampness.

Aromatherapy Lavender, sandalwood, and rosemary oils may be suggested.

Chiropractic Treatment will be aimed at specific joint adjustments for improved flexibility and muscle release.

Herbal Medicine Your herbalist will treat you according to your individual condition, but suggested herbs may include valerian, bog bean, golden seal, willow and primula, taken as teas, twice daily.

Homeopathy Treatment will be constitutional, but specific remedies may include Rhus tox. 6, Arnica 6, and Bryonia 6.

Hypnotherapy Studies show that this therapy has been useful where others have failed, particularly in reducing pain and inducing sleep.

Massage Shiatsu and massage for relaxation may be undergone. An aromatherapeutic massage might include the essential oils of thyme, lavender and eucalyptus.

Myotherapy This treatment will be aimed at trigger point release to ease the pain.

Osteopathy Specific treatment improlh general well-being by encouraging the body's own healing processes. Adjustments improve joint mobility, and gentle release techniques work on the musculoskeletal system to reverse fibrotic changes. These in turn help reduce the fatigue and alleviatiate associated symptoms.

Healing Healing provides a mind-body-spirit release.

Rolfing This treatment will include body "expansion release, and centralization of the body line of gravity.

Read out for home remedies. Check out pregnancy and homeopathic remedies

Herbal Home Remedies For Ear Problems

As with eyes, serious infections of the inner ear should be referred to a specialist. Alternative therapies can be very helpful for problems caused by infection of the outer ear and excessive catarrh. Glue ear, a condition that commonly affects children, is discussed on.


Earache is a sharp pain and fever caused by an infection of the outer or middle ear.


Herbal Medicine For immediate relief, carefully apply in the ear two drops of essential oil of St. John's wort, almond, garlic, or mullein and hold a warm hot-water bottle wrapped in a towel to the ear.

Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:

Homeopathy Belladonna might be prescribed for acute throbbing.


Tinnitus is a continuous ringing sound in the ears, usually the result of foreign bodies in the ear, pressure damage, some drugs, wax, and aging.


Yoga Increase the blood circulation to the head with gentle head and neck exercises.

Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:

Herbal Medicine Hopi ear candle therapy is a traditional Native American remedy and a safe and natural way of removing wax from the ear, one of the causes of this condition. A trained practitioner places a specially made cylinder or candle in the ear and lights it, drawing out old wax from the ear and introducing healing herbal vapors.

Homeopathy Specific remedies include Salicyclie are 6c; Carbon sulf. 6c; China sulf. 6c; and Kali iod. 6c


This is complete or partial loss of hearing. Deafness may be due to infection, Eustachian tube blockage, excessive amounts of ear wax, or otosclerosis. It may also be caused by Meniere's disease, drugs, poor nutrtion, aging, and congenital conditions.


Naturopathy A naturopathic diet rich in vitamin A promotes repair of damaged tissues in the ear and helps stimulate the auditory nerve. A grapefruit seed extract called Citricidal breaks up hardened wax - a common cause of partial deafness.

Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:

Homeopathy Treatment would be constitutional specific remedies may include Phosphorus, Graphites, Aconite, China, A Gelsemium, and Chenopodium, all 6c.

Acupuncture Therapists relate the with the working of the kidney and bladder, and may use fine needles; to unblock these energy pathways and stimulate the nerves of the ears.!

Read out for home remedies. Check out herbal life and asthma treatment

Herbal Medicines For Pleurisy

Pleurisy is an infection of the pleura, the delicate membranes separating the lungs from the chest wall. It is usually the result of a virus infection, but it can also be caused by pneumonia, a chest injury, inflammation of the pericardial heart lining, a blood clot of the lung, and, rarely, lung cancer.

Symptoms of pleurisy may include sharp, stabbing pains in chest or shoulder, which can be felt with every intake of breath, and usually a high fever.


Folk Remedy Make a warming drink from ovendried, homemade wheat bread, toasted and broken into a powder, in hot water with added salt and butter.

Hydrotherapy Chest and back compresses help to reduce inflammation.

Diet And Nutrition A daily dose of 2-3g of vitamin C and 50iu vitamin A should boost the immune system and help to speed recovery.

Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:

Homeopathy A homeopath might recommend the following remedies:

for pain worse on moving, where sufferer is irritable and thirsty - Bryonia each hour for a maximum of 12 hours

for a sudden attack after exposure to cold wind, where sufferer is anxious, restless, and frightened of dying - Aconite once an hour for up to 12 hours

where the sufferer is flushed in the face, with dilated pupils, and is hot, excitable, and thirsty - Belladonna

when there is fluid on the lung, causing breathlessness and burning pains; mild fever, rapid heartbeat, irregular dry cough - Cantharis

when there is fluid pressing on the affected lung with severe pain - Sulfur

when pain comes on quickly, hot face, flushing, profound thirst, confusion - Belladonna

when recovery from pleurisy is slow - Hepar sulf.

Naturopathy A naturopath may suggest hydrotherapy, in particular back and chest compresses, which will help to reduce inflammation and ease breathing.

Vitamin C may be recommended in order to boost immunity.

Acupuncture Treatment will be aimed at reducing inflammation, building up the immune system, and providing relief from the pain.

Aromatherapy Treatment would be aimed at the individual symptoms, but some of the following oils may prove useful, for a compress, massage, or inhalation: angelica, star anise, French basil, silver fir, myrrh, naiouli, black pepper, pine, rosemary, sage, tea tree oil.Read out for Strength ball training. Check out arthritis and diagnostic tests

Read out for Strength ball training. Check out arthritis and diagnostic tests

Yoga for a Better Sleep

The ability of yoga to reduce muscle tension, slow your heart rate and calm a racing mind provides the perfect recipe for a good night’s sleep. There is growing evidence that small behavioral changes in the evening can make a big difference in getting a restful sleep. A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that participants who made modifications, like learning relaxation techniques, improved their sleep more than those who took drugs.

Yoga Exercises for Better Sleep
Certain yoga exercises will help your body and your mind relax more and prepare for sleep. Here are a few postures and exercises that are particularly helpful:

1) Supported Standing Forward Bend
This gentle yoga posture helps relieve tension in your neck and shoulders while quieting your nervous system.

• Fold a blanket and place it on a chair
• Stand facing the chair (about 1 to 2 feet away) with your feet parallel and a little wider than hip width apart
• Fold forward from your hips (keeping your back flat – reaching forward with your chest)
• Place your forehead on the blankets
• Place your hands towards the back of the chair with your forearms resting on the chair (you can also hold onto opposite elbows with your forearms touching the top of your head)
• Let your arms, shoulders, head and face relax completely
• Breathe slowly and deeply through your nose for 12-15 breaths
• Slowly come back up, using your hands to help push you back up

2) Legs Up the Wall
This gentle yoga postures triggers the relaxation response, slowing the heart, breath and brain waves.

• Place a mat or blanket flush against a wall
• Sit with your right side next to the wall (legs out in front of you)
• Lean onto your elbows
• Swing your legs up the wall as your head moves away from the wall
• Place your hands at your sides and close your eyes
• Move your head from side to side 4-5 times
• Relax your belly and breathe deeply into your belly – breathing through your nose
• Stay in this position for 2-3 minutes
• Bring your knees to your chest and roll onto your side
• When you are ready, come back to sitting

3) Child’s Pose
Child’s pose relaxes the back and neck, while gently stretching your spine. It also provides a gentle massage to abdominal organs leading to greater relaxation.

• Kneel down and sit back towards your heels as much as you can
• Fold forward from the hips, bringing your upper body to your thighs and your forehead to the floor
• Place your arms on the floor next to your legs with your palms up
• Breathe into your belly, allowing it to expand into your thighs as you inhale and relax as you exhale
• Remain in this position for 8-10 breaths
• Raise your upper body and return to kneeling position

4) Diaphragmatic Breathing
Traditional yogic breathing provides a natural stress release and helps the heartbeat to slow down as the diaphragm stimulates the vagus nerve.

• You can start sitting or lying on your back. Since you are trying to sleep, start on your back.
• Place your hands on your belly
• Begin breathing slowly and deeply through your nose
• Breathe into the lower part of your lungs first, allowing your belly to rise on inhale, fall back on exhale
• Allow your belly to naturally rise and fall with breath (no pushing)
• Focus completely on your breath, letting go of other thoughts or distractions.
• Complete 10-12 breaths, then let your breath become natural again

5) Manage your stress
Pay attention to your stress level. Excessive stress can lead to tight and knotted muscles, as well as a racing mind. Taking a yoga class is a great way to not only relieve stress, but to also learn how to manage your stress levels throughout the day. Yoga teaches you how to find peace in every day life, as well as during more stressful times.

To learn more tips and yoga exercises for better sleep, visit:

Herbal Medicines For Infectious Diseases

Infectious diseases spread very quickly among children. Mild bouts of diseases such as German measles or mumps early in life may be helpful as they establish immunity and prevent the child from suffering later in life when these diseases are more virulent and have a bad effect on fetal developments (German measles) or male fertility (mumps).

Sore Throat

A virus or bacterium is usually the cause of a sore throat, which is often the first area of the body to respond to the infection. If a sore throat is recurring, or lasts for more than a few days, it may be the sign of a more serious illness and a physician should be consulted.


Diet and Nutrition Offer fresh fruit juices, high in vitamin C. A diluted lemon juice gargle may help.

Homeopathy Apis, Belladonna, or Hepar sulf three times a day will help relieve symptoms.

Herbal Medicine Give sage or thyme gargles with fresh lemon juice added.

Whooping Cough (Pertussis) Caused by a bacterium, whooping cough attacks the mucous membranes that line the airways. The illness may last up to four months and can be extremely serious. Whooping cough symptoms include a "whoop", or noisy intake of breath, at the end of a cough, accompanied by a mild fever, runny nose, and loss of appetite.


Diet and Nutrition Give plenty of liquids, especially if the child is vomiting. Avoid dairy products and large meals.

Homeopathy Drosera rotundifolia or Aconitum napelius will help, especially at night.

Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:

Herbal Medicine White horehound, mullein flower, thyme, and lavender may be prescribed.


This highly infectious disease is caused by the herpe, zoster virus. Symptoms include a rash of very itchy spots, usually on the body, which then spreads to the limbs, face, and head. The spots turn into watery blisters, which burst and after about five days form scab" Try to avoid scratching, which spreads the infection.


Naturopathy Give plenty of fresh orange juice, lemon tea, or lemon juice sweetened with honey. Sponge the spots with tepid water. Three tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate added to a bath of lukewarm water should help ease itching.

Homeopathy Rhus tox. will soothe the irritation: Antimonium tart. can help heal the scabs.

Herbal Medicine An infusion of elderflower sponged onto the spot, should relieve itching. For fever, offer yarrow, lime blossom, or meadowsweet herbal tea.

German Measles (Rubella) Rubella is an acute viral disease whose symptoms include a slight pink rash of tiny spots, starting behind the ears or on the face and spreading down the body, and possibly watery eyes and swollen glands.


Herbal Medicine A cool infusion of lavender, sponged onto the skin, should help relieve any itching.


This mild, infectious illness is similar to German measles and rarely needs treatment. It manifests in a pink rash with small spots, usually after a fever.

Read out for Vitamins. Check out arthritis treatment and home remedies

Herbal Medicines for Bone Cancer

Cancer rarely originates in the bone; instead, cancer from another area of the body sometimes metastasizes, or spreads, to a bone. For this reason, and because bone cancer is difficult to detect early, people who have had another type of cancer are routinely screened for bone cancer. The only type of bone cancer that actually begins in the bone is osteosarcoma, an uncommon primary bone cancer that has the same symptoms as secondary bone cancer. Multiple myeloma, the most common form of primary bone cancer, usually affects older people. It attacks the tissues that create immune-system components called B cells, which in turn create antibodies that fight disease. The most likely cause of this disease is chronic over stimulation of the B cells. These cells are activated by petroleum products and by chemicals used in farming, leatherworking, and woodworking.

Since multiple myeloma depletes the body's supply of B cells, one of the main problems in managing the disease is reduced resistance to infection. People with multiple myeloma are particularly susceptible to infections in the urinary tract, lungs, and sinuses.

Signs and Symptoms

A lump or hard mass on the surface of a bone

Pain in the affected area

Weakening or fractures of the affected bone

Appetite or weight loss

Conventional Medical Treatment

If you feel a lump on a bone, or a bone fractures spontaneously, visit your physician immediately. While your doctor may take X-rays to help produce a diagnosis, a bone biopsy usually is required to confirm the presence of malignant cells. If the cancer is limited to a small area of bone, a surgeon may be able to remove only the cancerous masses. More severe cases, however, often require amputation of all or a portion of a limb. After surgery, chemotherapy or radiation is usually required.

Complementary and Alternative Treatments

A good healthy diet high in unprocessed grains and vegetables is important also to support the healing of damaged or weakened bones as is weight bearing exercise.

I recommend that anyone serious about healing damaged or weakened bones include Oats and a ground combination of Millet and Linseed in their breakfast. Also that they work at a regular program of weight bearing exercises appropriate to their age, strength and fitness level.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture Bone cancer can be extremely painful; acupuncture can offer much-needed relief by releasing "feel good" endorphins and enhancing relaxation.

Acupressure This therapy can be used to improve the patient's disposition and enhance feelings of well-being as well as to alleviate pain. Care must be taken when applying pressure, so as not to cause discomfort or damage fragile bones.

Read out for Liposuction garments. Check out breast pumps and doctor

Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine for Muscle Cramp


Ease your aching, cramping muscles with a delightfully soothing rosemary lavender massage. To prepare the blend, combine 3 drops each of German chamomile, rosemary, and ginger; 8 drops of lavender; and a If ounce of almond or avocado oil. Massage the oil into the affected muscles after a relaxing, warm bath. For a different blend, try Roman chamomile, bay, peppermint, and safflower oils. Other beneficial oils include marjoram and clary sage.

Ayurvedic Medicine

In Ayurveda, muscle cramping and spasms are caused by excess vata, which is increased by cold, too much exercise, or poor blood circulation. An Ayurvedic practitioner may suggest massaging the affected muscle with oil of shatavari to relax the muscle fibers. He also may encourage you to soak your feet in hot mustard tea.

Bodywork and Somatic Pradices

Acupressure and shiatsu are excellent modalities to address cramps.


Specific chiropractic adjustment (SCA) can be especially helpful in decreasing muscle cramps through active stimulation of the nerves supplying the muscles. Electro muscle stimulation and either moist heat or cold applications can decrease muscle cramps. (Moist heat application is typically used for chronic cramping; cold application, such as ice, is typically used for acute episodes.) The chiropractor may also perform or prescribe cross friction. A nutritional consult should be obtained in cases of chronic cramping. For example, patients Who perience chronic charley horses (cramping of the calf muscles) may be deficient in electrolytes.


Try one or more of the following treatments:

Apply hot or cold packs to the affected muscle for 20 minutes several times daily, until symptoms subside. Some people prefer the hot moist heat; others do best with cool compresses.

Take a hot bath-either immersion or sitz-for 20 to 60 minutes as needed.

Use alternating hot and cold compresses twice daily. Apply a hot compress for 3 minutes; replace it with a cold compress for 30 seconds. Repeat the sequence twice. You can add vinegar to the hot pack if desired.

Take a relaxing hot shower

Try a neutral (body temperature) bath

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture Acupuncture cau be used to relax the muscle and improve the circulation of blood to the affected area. Different acupuncture points and meridians are accessed, depending on the specific musde(s) that need(s) to be treated.

Acupressure Acupressure can be extremely helpful in relieving muscle cramps and spasms. The practitioner usually applies pressure directly to the affected area, and also massages relate acupressure points to increase the flow of blood to the area and balance the person's chi.

Chinese Herbal Therapy Muscle cramps may be treated with a decoction of corydalis (4 to 10 grams daily). Muscle soreness can be alleviated with Zheng Gu Shui, an externallinimeot designed to relieve pain and relax muscles.

Yoga and Meditation

Gentle, regular stretching using yoga poses can help ward off cramps, especially in the hamstring and calf muscles. Try the following poses: Head to Knee, Hero, Posterior Stretch, Spinal Twist, and Standing Angle.

Read out for First aid. Check out breastfeeding tops and constipation treatment

Aromatherapy Beauty Tips

Aromatherapy has many known benefits, one of which is beautification. Aromatherapy is not restricted to burning candles, spraying scents in the air. It also has very valuable uses beyond relaxation and the treatment of common illnesses. In this article we will discuss some specific ways in which one can use aromatherapy to help keep the skin clear, the body smooth, the hair gorgeous, essentially helping you create and develop the most beautiful you. Following are some really great aromatherapy beauty tips.

Aromatherapy and Skin: Natural oils used in aromatherapy can help the skin reach its’ optimum beauty. Essential oils can be used to treat wrinkles, pimples, cellulite and even dry skin. Aromatherapy can also help to purify the skin. Aromatherapy works so well because it is free of unnatural and toxic ingredients that can be found in many over-the-counter acne medications. Not so when using aromatherapy. The essential oils have strong regenerative properties that helps heal and nourish the skin. Good essential oils and to use on the skin include sandlewood, tea tree and lavender.

Sandlewood: Sandlewood is really good for acne and infections of the skin mostly because it has strong anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

Tea Tree: Tea tree works well for spot treating pimples. It clears up acne fast and helps to limit their reoccurrence. It has strong anti-microbial and helps to reduce swelling.

Lavender: Lavender is one of the most known all of the essential oils. Lavender helps to keep oily skin under control. It is also good for evening out the skin tone and healing blemishes.

Aromatherapy and Body: Aromatherapy is great to use for the body. It helps keep the body soft and smooth. It is important to note however, that you should be very careful about applying essential oils directly on the skin because they can be very potent. Instead, adding a few drops to a bath or to a carrier oil works best. There are several ways to use aromatherapy on the body, massage and bathing are the most common and very effective.

Aromatherapy and Hair: Aromatherapy and essential oils are great to use to remedy hair loss as well as dry and thinning hair. Adding essential oils to shampoos and conditioners that one already has, can work wonders. Massaging the scalp with diluted essential oils might also be beneficial. For individuals who suffer from alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease that causes temporary hair loss, studies have shown that individuals who rub rosemary, cedarwood, lavender, and thyme essential oils into their scalp, successfully grew back their hair. This is just one example of the power of aromatherapy when it is added to beauty regiments.

Aromatherapy has many benefits, one of which is beautification. Individuals can achieve prettier skin and hair by simply using essential oil blends that they either create themselves or purchase. Aromatherapy is especially is especially effective because of it’s natural properties which can be used to pamper, ease, stimulate and beautify. I hope that you will consider using these aromatherapy beauty tips. Many people who understand the power of aromatherapy have done so with great results.

George Key is the publisher and editor of, a site that provides reliable information and articles about Natural Treatments and Aromatherapy Tips using Pure Essential Oils.

Friday, February 15, 2008

What Should You Do if Your Child Has a Dental Problem?

This article describes some common problems parents can expect with their children's teeth and some tips on how to be prepared and what to do about them when they happen.

Dental problems range in their degree of seriousness. The following tips can prove helpful:

Dental problems in children could be hereditary. Regular brushing and flossing may not be enough to prevent serious cavities. Consult your dentist to correct the problem while your child is young.

Heredity affects hardness of enamel, size, and shape of teeth and jaws. Problems may require dental restorations or orthodontic intervention.

Children now do not always have to wear painful braces and metal wires to correct irregular teeth. There are various dental corrective appliances available in plastic. Dentists now advise dental corrections at a young age.

It is now easy to fill dental cavities. Dentists have more choices for filling teeth. Materials for filling teeth include composite resins rather than the traditional silver-mercury alloy. Composite resins are bonded and hence, fillings do not have the tendency to pop out. Resins are available in a range of tooth colors.

Dentists prefer using stainless steel and/or plastic crowns to cover teeth in case of malformation of baby teeth, fracture, or extensive decay. This maintains tooth form and position for optimal jaw development.

If your child is into sports, encourage your child to wear mouth guards to help prevent injuries.

You should schedule regular meetings with your dentist to make your child comfortable with dental visits. Practice good dental habits like regular brushing and flossing to prevent major dental problems. Also, limit the intake of sugary and sticky foods for your children, as these affect dental health immensely.

What Should You Do in Case of a Dental Emergency?

Dental emergencies can occur anytime and hence, being prepared beforehand is essential and helpful. Always keep all contact numbers of your dentist in a handy place so that it is easy to contact them in an emergency. Common dental emergencies in children include chipped teeth due to accident and teeth knocked out or loosened due to trauma.

If a traumatic incident occurs, knocking your child's tooth out or just causing a loosening or mobility, contact dentist immediately within an hour, if possible. The dentist can re-implant the tooth and save it. Until then, rinse tooth in water (distilled if possible) without touching tooth root.

You can try to place tooth back into socket and secure it with a wet wrap. If this is not possible, preserve tooth in a cup of milk or saliva until you meet the dentist.

If your child feels pain due to a chipped tooth, it indicates possible injury or exposure of the tooth nerve. Meet with your dentist as soon as possible for evaluation for possible root canal treatment or similar measures to save tooth. Your dentist may treat the tooth temporarily and later fix a bonded restoration to make up for the chipped tooth. If there is no pain, set an appointment with your dentist and meet them at the earliest convenient time. The emergency is not as pressing, but future nerve damage cannot be ruled out until the dentist examines the injury even if there is no immediate pain.

If your child is into sports, ask him to use protective mouth guards. These plastic guards protect teeth as well as the lips, gums, and cheeks. Semi-formable mouth guards available at sports shops require boiling to give a perfect fit. Dentists also make mouth guards with molds that fit in snugly.

Dental emergencies can occur due to severe toothache arising from dental cavities, infections, food stuck between teeth, and broken fillings. Rinse your child's mouth every hour with warm water. Clean affected tooth area with toothbrush and floss thoroughly. Use toothpick to dislodge any food material stuck in between teeth. Use an ice pack on affected area to relieve pain. Refrain from placing aspirin on child's gum, as it could cause aspirin burn. If there is any swelling around eyes or cheeks, place ice pack. Ice packs should only be left in place for ten minutes at a time, then removed for ten minutes. Then repeat the cycle. Take your child to a dentist immediately.

If you have small childrenFree Articles, keep your home safe and free of furniture with sharp edges and corners as much as possible. Toddlers often suffer dental injuries while they are learning to stand. Children sometimes injure their teeth while ramming into water fountains while drinking water. Accidental bumping into each other could cause teeth injuries in children.

Learn more about children's dental health from Dr. Steven J Brazis DDS. Look for his book, "Your Children's Teeth: A Parent's Guide To Dental Health at: Your Children's Teeth Contact Dr. Brazis at:

Hindrance To Quitting Smoking: Physical or Psychological

This article addresses people who are trying to quit smoking. It discusses whether the difficulty to stop smoking is a physical issue or whether it is a psychological issue.

Is it more of a physical thing that is the hindrance whenever you are overcome by the desire to go back to or continue with smoking, or is it more of a psychological thing that is the hindrance?

It is believed that smoking stimulates the flow of "feel good" chemicals in the brain including endorphins. Tobacco has nicotine and it is believed to be addicting. This is commonly understood by many. Nothing new!

So we all probably understand that there is a physical component to hinder a person from quitting; more for some than for others. However, is it really "THE" reason that people can't seem to quit smoking?

Whenever I share my thoughts about people who are falling short of the mark, I always include with it; "There is no condemnation here". Condemnation is not what it is about. At the same time, it is also true, that we must get real and be honest because this is no game. With regard to quitting smoking; yes, there is a physical component but it is important to acknowledge that people quit smoking all the time anyway.

Overcoming the physical component is not rocket science, in my opinion. There are many aids and medical assistance available to help with that. Getting cleaned out may not be easy for some, but so many people have done it, so it can be done. Also, one of the characteristics of someone who has successfully quit smoking is that they are willing to experience the discomfort of withdrawal in anticipation of the reward. It is a delaying of satisfaction instead of getting instant gratification (a level of maturity) in anticipation of the reward of satisfaction later on (I hope I didn't loose you here because I know that some people may be feeling a little offended right now).

Stay with me here! I am interested in helping people in a bigger way than just providing information about how to stop smoking by controlling the smoking behavior itself. This is why my writings will not appeal to everyone; and that's OK. Not everyone is going to be ready for what I have to say; and that is OK. You are where you are and I encourage you to find what suits you based on where you are at. There are many resources and I encourage you to take a look at them and find something that will help you right where you are today.

What I am primarily all about is Personal Development. I am aware of developmental issues that make it very hard for many people to quit smoking. There are things regarding personal development which I teach, that are not well understood; even by most experts. There are some people who are ready to take it to the next level and my writings are geared for them. My writings deal with issues at the "cause" level. If this is not you, then don't feel bad. It's OK. Personal development is a process and it can't be forced. But I know there are people who are looking for something more. If that is you; then please stay with me.

In all of my writings you will hear me teach about these developmental issues. As I said, it is not for everyone but if you are ready to take it to the next level of understanding, then it is for you. For a person to quit smoking, quitting would be like discontinuing a part of yourself. This is because smoking is so much a part of who a person is. Consider this.... Many people who have struggled to stop smoking eventually did. Why after so many years of struggling where they suddenly able to just stop smoking?

This is one indication of what I was saying. Is "THE" hindrance that makes quitting seem so impossible, really the physical aspect. Possibly for some who have so much nicotine in there system that the withdrawal process scares them. But personally, I believe that for the far majority of people, the physical aspect is not the real hindrance that makes quitting seem impossible. I think that many people do believe it is when it isn't because of their current understanding. What they truly believe is going to be real to them. Now then; if there is something else that is the real hindrance that makes quitting seem impossible, how will they every discover it if they believe it is the physical that is the real hindrance?

My main purpose with this articlePsychology Articles, is to get you to consider the possibility that there may be something more to quitting smoking than the physical aspect. Are you open to consider the possibility that smoking may be a part of who you are and therefore there just may be developmental issues to consider?

Frank Andrews is the author of two self-help books. This developed as the result of being a student of personal development for over 25 years. Having worked through many of his own personal struggles, he now provides information to help others. You can find free quit-smoking information on his website at:

Incontinence, Urinary Information

Incontinence is the inability to fully control urination.

Description For someone suffering from the condition, simple actions, such as sneezing, laughing, physical activity, and hugging, can cause urine leakage. In some cases, the sufferer may lose bladder control despite the lack of a definite physical cause. Women are twice as likely as men to be affected by urinary incontinence.Elderly women are the segment of the population most commonly affected by the condition, because their urinary muscles and ligaments become less efficient with age. Declining estrogen levels after menopause also contribute to bladder control problems. While incontinence is a medical condition that usually develops late in life, it is also a symptom of several illnesses and physical conditions that can affect men and women of any age. The muscular and neural systems that control the retention and release of urine can be affected by medications, urinary tract infections, diabetes, prostate gland problems, weakened pelvic floor muscles, operations on the urinary tract, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, and even psychological factors, such as depression, anger, or confusion.Middle-aged women who have given birth are at increased risk of developing incontinence because the muscles at the pelvic floor (which support the bladder and close off the top of the urethra) can become stretched during pregnancy. With any subsequent pregnancy, it becomes even more difficult for the pelvic muscles to resume their original tautness. Episiotomies and deliveries involving forceps may cause further damage. The pelvic floor can also deteriorate as a result of obesity and hysterectomies.Men often experience incontinence as a symptom of a prostate condition, wherein an inflamed, enlarged prostate pushes against the bladder, interfering with its opening and closing mechanism. In children, incontinence most often takes the form of bed-wetting.Signs and SymptomsInability to control urinationUrine leakage during physical activity, laughing, coughing, or sneezingConventional Medical TreatmentIf you are suffering from incontinence, see your family doctor or primary care physician, who may refer you to a urologist or urogynecologist (a specialist who focuses on treating women's urological problems). The specialist takes a detailed medical history, including any medications, operations, or infections that you may have had. The doctor also may conduct a physical examination of your genitals, rectum, and abdominal area, and take a urine specimen for analysis. In some cases, an ultrasound, pelvic X-rayFeature Articles, or cystoscopy (a microscopic examination of cells) may be necessary to confirm diagnosis.

Source: Free Articles from


Read out for Home remedies. Check out green tea and body mass index calculator

Complementary and Alternative Treatments for Hypothermia

Prolonged exposure to cold temperatures causes your body to lose more heat than it can generate, resulting in a condition called hypothermia.

Symptoms of the condition do not usually appear immediately; often signs of hypothermia come on so gradually that the person suffering from it has no idea anything is wrong. Hypothermia may occur in any number of cold environmental situations, including being underdressed in the middle of winter, falling into cold water, and wearing damp clothing in a cool environment.Hypothermia can strike anyone who is exposed to extremely cold temperatures over a prolonged period of time. People who are at increased risk include very thin people (who have little natural fat insulation), elderly people, and infants. Alcoholics and people with hypothyroidism, diabetes, malnutrition, or heart disease also stand a greater chance of developing hypothermia.Signs and SymptomsBody temperature below 94°FPale skin that is cold to the touchLethargyMuscle stiffnessLoss of motor coordinationConfusion or deliriumShiveringBody swellingUnconsciousness or coma (in severe cases)Fixed pupils (in severe cases)Very slow pulse (in severe cases)Conventional Medical TreatmentHypothermia is an emergency situation. If someone you know has the condition, get the person out of the cold environment and remove any damp clothing. If you are unable to get the victim indoors, move him or her to an area that is sheltered from the wind, remove all damp clothing, and layer blankets, jackets, and any other dry clothing over the victim to create insulation.Next, call an ambulance. While waiting for the medical assistance to arrive, check the victim's pulse and breathing. Once at the hospital, the victim's body temperature will be gradually increased with a combination of intravenous fluid and lukewarm water therapy.Complementary and Alternative TreatmentsNutrition and SupplementationDrink plenty of warm, quality beverages and take a supplement with vitamin B complex (50 mg 3 times daily).Traditional Chinese MedicineAcupuncture Acupuncture can be used to improve circulation, which may help prevent permanent nerve damage In the affected area.Acupressure Acupressure can help increase the flow of blood to the affected area, which hastens healing. The specific acupressure points vary, depending on the location of the hypothermia.Chinese Herbal TherapyPeony and dong Quai formulas may be helpful in improving circulationComputer Technology Articles, which can prevent permanent nerve damage.

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