Monday, September 29, 2008

The Best Place to Find the Purest Drinking Water

Pure radiant skin, Healthy complexion...These are some of the benefits of using clean drinking water.

We all know what using the purest drinking water can do for our bodies but the problem is on finding a good source.

If you think that drinking tap water is fine, then you probably haven't read the recent USA Today Special Report article titled "How Safe is Your Water" stating: "Each day, millions of Americans turn on their taps and get water that exceeds the legal limits for dangerous contaminants." What concerns me the most about the harmful tap water is that we have developing children with weak immune systems that will be more vulnerable than adults.

Drinking bottled water isn't much of a viable alternative as well. The sad truth is that most bottled water comes straight from the tap. The regulation standard for bottled water isn't even as high as your regular tap water. In addition to not being safer than tap water, land pollution due to plastic bottled water is also becoming a concern.

Thus, the basic sources of clean drinking water for most Americans have some problems that won't be solved in a short time frame. Now the only solution is to filter our water ourselves. Your own filtered faucet can be the top place to find clean drinking water.

There are a couple of different purifiers, filters in the market, each with its own method for filtering water. These include distillers, reverse osmosis filters and carbon block filters. Determining the best system can be simply done by comparing the product's performance to other alternatives. The performance of a particular water filtration system can be easily verified by reviewing its Performance Data Sheet, which lists all the contaminants it is certified to remove and to what degree.

By comparing each products contaminant reduction capabilities & cost, it is easy to determine which system is right for you.

I have taken the liberty of describing some of these system's good points and shortfalls.

Distillation systems remove contaminants by using a steam condensation technique which involves heating water, filtering out contaminants and then cooling the water back into the liquid form. The only problem with this technique is that it also strips the natural minerals in natural water that our body needs to maintain homeostasis. In fact there is also research suggesting long term consumption of demineralized water can lead to long term health problems.

Reverse osmosis, by use of a membrane, selectively removes contaminants only if their molecular size is larger than water's. However, many bacteria and other harmful organisms are even smaller than the size of water. These organisms can get through with such regularity it defeats the purpose of filtering your water.

The best filter to get the purest drinking water by far is the carbon block filter. These work by chemically or physically bonding the contaminant to the surface of the filter used. Activated carbon is recognized by the U.S. EPA as the best available technology for filtering bio organisms and volatile chemicals.

If you want better health and better skin, it's not too late to consider carbon block filters to clean your water to get the refreshing taste of clean drinking water.

William Lin is an avid proponent of optimum health through high quality water sources. Break free from the typical low quality water sources by visiting William's site at Pure Filtered Safe Water to see his latest free research on health through cleaner, healthier water.