Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Contaminated Tap Water - 7 Important Facts That Everyone Needs to Know

Contaminated tap water is a hot topic these days. My wish is that you take the time to view the facts in this article and give them a little consideration. Contaminated tap water does affect your health however, view the facts first and then take some action to protect yourself and your family. Once you have read all the facts you'll know what to do.

1) There has been a tremendous increase in the number cases of degenerative disease due to contaminated tap water. Low levels of SOC's (synthetic organic chemicals) are a major contributor. There are many reasons our water becomes polluted such as improper
disposal of common chemicals used in our homes to farm runoff as well as a whole host of other reasons.

2) Before we started using chlorine in our water as a disinfectant in the early nineteenth century the average American had about a 2% chance of getting some sort of cancer. Since we started use herbicides, pesticides, and many other chemicals that people are exposed to on a daily basis that figure has figure has risen to 33% for everyone, and about 50% for men.

3) Almost every country in the world shows traces of SOC's in its tap water. In one of the biggest studies ever done the Ralph Nader Study Group reviewed nearly 10,000 official documents and discovered that there are more than two thousand one hundred toxic chemicals that are cancer causes in our tap water.

4) Studies have shown that almost any chemical used by humans will at some point end up in our supply of water. Because there is no new water (mother earth uses the same water over and over) and as the use of chemicals increases to contamination of our water becomes even more toxic.

5) The infrastructure of our drinking water facilities is becoming outdated. They are unable to keep up with new forms of chemicals and microorganisms and were never intended to deal with the chemicals they are now faced with.

6) The regulations for the safety of our tap water are based on people ingesting only one chemical in their tap water, and it is also based on a 175 pound adult. It does not take into consideration the combined toxicity of more than 2 chemicals.

7) This is really bad news for babies and small children. The systems of babies and small children that help filter out toxins are not fully developed. Because they take in more water on a pound for pound basis the toxins do more damage. Is there any wonder why cases of childhood asthma, cancer, leukemia and immune disorders have all risen in the last decade?

- The Simple Solution -

Now that you know the facts about contaminated tap water you may see the need for using water filtration product. A good quality water filter offers the best method of protecting your health. Look for a quality water filter that uses a combination of carbon filtration, ion exchange and sub micron filtration. This is the best type of water filter you can buy. They are not very expensive if you buy direct from the manufacturer and well worth the money you invest in it.

Visit http://www.BestH2oFilter.com for more information on contaminated tap water and where to buy MANAFACTURER DIRECT TOP RATED WATER FILTERS using the technology mentioned in this article. Expert author Steve Waters has done extensive research on water filtration to save you time and money.