Friday, March 28, 2008

Weight Loss Program That Work

If you are overweight then finding an easy weight loss program that suits you is probably high on your agenda; do not dismiss professional advice because it is surprising just how much help your doctor can be with information on systems that do work. Apart from the medical issues that surround obesity, feelings of self-worth can be damaged as well as an inability to carry out even basic physical activities if you are overweight.

How difficult or easy your weight loss program is will depend on how much you apply yourself to shedding those extra pounds. Before you decide on how you intend to lose weight you need to decide if it is for your benefit; i.e. to remain healthy, or is it because someone else wants you to lose weight.

Many factors affect how well your weight loss program will go including how much physical activity you have during a normal day, the type of food you eat, how many meals you have and when those meals are eaten. Some people are of the opinion that losing weight quickly is the best way but this often causes other medical problems like heartburn or even anemia and creates unrealistic targets.

To keep it simple, consider that a pound in weight is generally believed to be 3,500 calories and then it's easy to break down into daily reductions of 500 calories, meaning you can lose a pound in weight each week. Eating is a complex issue and although we all eat to many foods that have no health benefits, in fact quite the opposite, it is not a good idea to cut out every type of food we enjoy.

Stress can be a large determining factor in how much food is consumed and many women will eat more because they feel low or insecure and when they put on weight they feel worse which continues the cycle. It is nonsense to believe that continued eating and weight gain will not have serious consequences to your health as we now see in the increase of conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart conditions and cancer. Part of the reason for weight gain is psychological and therefore this must be addressed along with any easy weight loss diet that is being used.

Studies have shown that people who have started weight loss programs with a light-hearted determination are more likely to accomplish the looked-for results. A positive attitude and open mind are very often the keys to improving life style and eliminating the bad habits. Losing weight is known to provide us with more energy and allows us to carry out tasks that those extra pounds do not permit, which can all lead to improved self confidence.

Losing weight is all about how you feel about yourself but once you start an easy weight loss program and feel physically better it makes continuing this lifestyle change easier.

By: Anthony Dean