Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Obesity Racing Towards Being the Leading Preventable Death Cause in the Us

Obesity is seldom thought to be a disease. It is generally taken as just an unhealthy physical condition. Needless to say obesity is much more than that. It’s much more in magnitude as a disease. Obesity along with overweight is also the cause of many other diseases. In one word obesity can really be killing along with being extremely unpleasant. Obesity is slowly but steadily taking its grip on the population of the world.

The youth today is falling prey to this dangerous condition. This would make the coming generations of the world quite vulnerable and unhealthy. In fact the trend has already started. It is unbelievable that even in the richest country of the world that is the USA obesity is having a wonderful run. The US is a favorite victim of this deadly illness. Interestingly US is among the countries that hold the largest number of obese people in the world. Obesity leads to a number of conditions that ultimately lead to terrible health related disorders including death. Still the Americans are seen to be turning a deaf ear to the dictums that go on and on about shedding the junk food for fruits and vegetables. The calories are piling on and are in turn turning into deadly health disorders.

People dying of obesity induced diseases in the US alone borders around the 300,000 million every year. Surprisingly, the Americans inspite of being educated and literate are not doing much towards defeating this trouble maker. It’s only the related authorities and the health organizations who are putting in their energies for saving the nation from falling defenseless to obesity. Now there are new proposals towards making obesity a public health issue. Not only this, obesity and overweight have been made the primary concerns of the public health department. To the horror of the health departments of the US, obesity is fast racing towards acquiring the stature of an epidemic. In fact it has almost acquired the coveted position. Now obesity is on its way to add another feather to its cap. There is a serious possibility that obesity might very soon overcome tobacco and become the leading preventable cause of death in the States. Its time the common man of the US woke up to the threats of obesity.

Nothing works better than a balanced diet and physical work out to beat obesity. Unfortunately, there are many people who are reluctant to tread this path and opt for shortcuts like xenical weight loss. Though drugs like xenical online work out for many, still a disciplined way of life can go a long way in giving you a healthy and fit body and mind. Otherwise you can buy xenical online after you have acquired the xenical prescription.

About the Author:

James Petersen’s expertise on the weight loss drug Xenical is well known and he has written a plethora of articles and pieces on obesity related issues. If you are keen on browsing through his work, visit the website