Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Best Veggies For Your Juicer

Most of us know how important raw vegetables are for our health but with today's busy lifestyles it can be difficult to consume enough of them. With the convenience of a juicer at home; however, we can reap all of the health benefits from vegetables while enjoying a quick glass of juice.

It is best to use organically-grown vegetables in order to avoid pesticides and preservatives. Because some nutrients are lost in transit from the farm to the store, try buying locally-grown produce when possible to receive the highest vitamin and mineral content. Many important vitamins and minerals are located in the skin so vegetables should not be peeled before juicing. Here are several nutritious and delicious veggies to try in your juicer.


Carrot juice is a fantastic source of vitamin A, which is vital for maintaining the health and proper function of your eyes. Vitamin A also promotes healthy bone growth and the maintenance of healthy body tissues. The amount of carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the liver, is indicated by the carrot's color. Dark yellow carrots are best for juicing because of their high carotene content. Carrots are also rich in vitamin E, which is great for your skin. Carrot juice supplies the body with many other vitamins and minerals including the B vitamins, calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, and iron.


Celery is an excellent source of vitamin C. It is also a very good source of folic acid, potassium, and vitamins B1, B6, and B2. Celery is even a good source of calcium. Celery contains active compounds called pthalides, which have been shown to improve vascular health by relaxing arteries, thereby lowering blood pressure. Pthalides also reduce stress.


Both the root and leaves of beets are high in vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, and C. The leaves are actually more nutritious than the root, but are bitter. The sweet taste of the root is generally preferred in juice, but by mixing the leaves with other vegetables you can gain the nutritional content of the leaves while still creating a sweet juice. Beets are in the same family as spinach and chard and are great blood-cleansing vegetables. The root has a very high concentration of folic acid, which is important for cellular function and repair. Beets are also a great source of high-quality iron.


Beneficial for both skin and hair, cucumbers contain a large amount of the mineral, silica. Silica strengthens tendons, muscles, and other connective tissue, and is also great for skin elasticity, complexion, and hair loss. Cucumbers contain quite a bit of water and are helpful for hydration. Because many nutrients are located in the skin of the cucumber, be sure to avoid those with a waxy coating, which would need to be peeled.


A natural laxative, spinach is another common vegetable for juicing. Due to its high iron and chlorophyll content, spinach juice aids those with anemia. Spinach is also rich in calcium and other alkaline elements, which preserve the alkalinity of the blood. During pregnancy and lactation, spinach juice is valuable because of its high content of folic acid. For those with bleeding gums, spinach juice is known to be helpful.


Tomatoes are useful for liver detoxification because they contain two very important detoxifying trace elements, chlorine and sulfur. Because they are abundant in lycopene, tomatoes reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, including the prevention of hardening of the arteries and high blood pressure. Lycopene is also a potent antioxidant.

Whatever vegetables you choose, you'll be assured a result that far exceeds any store-bought juice. Loaded with essential nutrients, homemade juice is one of the healthiest drinks you'll find. Get a juicer and enjoy a glass of homemade vegetable juice today!

About the Author:

For more health tips and published research with vertigo, migraine, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's disease patients by Dr. Erin Elster, D.C., upper cervical chiropractor, in Boulder, Colorado, visit her website www.erinelster.com.