Thursday, October 2, 2008

Discover What Tap Water Contains and What to Do About It

What does tap water contain and what can you do about it? Well, you could protest and try to get your local or federal government to change their treatment practices. You could picket in front of industries that dump chemicals into our environment.

You could march in front of pharmaceutical companies, to let them know that dumping prescription drugs into public sewers is unacceptable. You could petition your local wastewater treatment facility, asking them to install better systems to remove more of these hazardous contaminants, before they dump the waters back into our rivers and oceans.

But, none of these actions will help your family, immediately.

So, what does tap water contain, anyway?

It contains 2400 different toxic chemicals, many of which are known to cause cancer. It contains chlorine or other chemical disinfectants added by your local treatment facility. It contains cancer-causing byproducts released by those same disinfection processes that protect us from most waterborne illnesses.

It may carry lead particles and other metallic traces into your glass. And, finally, parasitic cysts may be present at any time, because they are resistant to chemical, UV and ozone disinfection methods.

So, now, that we have answered the question; what does tap water contain, we can tell you what you can do about it to protect your family, right now. Install a point of use or home filtration device. But, shop carefully; there are vast differences in quality and price.

Inexpensive systems do not provide effective contaminant removal. Expensive reverse osmosis is unnecessary. You want to look at the products in the "middle of the road", so to speak. The price that you pay should depend on the amount of protection that you want.

For example, if you want to filter everything that comes into your house, you can do it for about a thousand dollars. You can get a system for just your kitchen faucet, but you should also be aware that showering in chlorinated water is unhealthy and carcinogens can penetrate the skin. The ones that become gaseous can also be inhaled.

If you want to spend as little as possible, you can often get a package deal when you buy direct. For about $150, you can filter what you drink and shower in, reducing hazardous compounds to the point of non-existence.

To be specific, if you are worried about; what does tap water contain, you need to look for a system that includes several steps. A carbon and multi media block with a change will remove the tiniest traces of lead, a heavy metal that causes brain damage, learning submicron porous structure will remove cysts, chemicals, chlorine and its byproducts. Ion exdisabilities and chronic health problems, like high blood pressure.

Ion exchange also improves the mineral content and the pH level. This insures that you will enjoy the taste more and drink more healthy water. Hopefully, this has answered your questions about what does tap water contain and you know what to do about it. If not, keep studying, you'll figure it out.

Dominic Anderton is a dedicated reseacher on the health benefits of purified drinking and bath water. Visit his site now at to get the facts on how to choose the best water purification system.