Thursday, October 2, 2008

Rapid Weight Loss Tips - Here You Find the Best Rapid Weight Loss Tips

Do you browse through the internet every day and hope to find this magic tip that will make you drop 20 pounds? Yes? Well I have done it too, but I'm pretty sure this does not exist. I have bought and bought useless stuff until I figured out a few basic things I needed to do to lose weight.

Drink water

It is very important to constantly be drinking water. Why? Well, I think, or at least to me, the most important reason is that it kills your appetite. You know the cravings you have between lunch and dinner? The cravings right before you can go home from work? I had those cravings, and I only wanted chocolate then. Well by drinking water, you reduce these cravings and you'll see the effects in a very short time. I stopped eating 20 chocolate bars a week. And it saves you quite some money too.

Do some sports.

Now OK, you probably knew this. By doing sports you lose weight and gain muscle DUH. But I am not talking of going to the gym, because thats way to much trouble. I'm talking about some simple things you can do. Take the stairs 3 times a week instead of the elevator. Every now and then walk around the office, and if you're drinking a lot of water, walk to the furthest bathroom every time. If you are really up for it, plan 1 day in the week where you walk to work. (I never did this seeing my work was 45 mins away by car)

Spread your meals

This one is my favourite. It is actually good to eat alot!!! Now that's nice no? Well it is not completely true, but I found out it is better if you eat 5 small meals a day than if you eat 2 large ones. The exact scientific reasons for this I don't really know, but I figured it should mean something with metabolism and such.

The hardest thing I found out while losing weight, is that I had to change my lifestyle. Its not a matter of dropping those pounds and then move on and go back to normal. It is my whole lifestyle that had to change. Now this was hard at first, but I got used to it and enjoy it now.

Have you decided that you are ready to change your lifestyle. Then don't wait any longer. Here are some programs that may help