Monday, February 18, 2008

Herbal Medicines For Infectious Diseases

Infectious diseases spread very quickly among children. Mild bouts of diseases such as German measles or mumps early in life may be helpful as they establish immunity and prevent the child from suffering later in life when these diseases are more virulent and have a bad effect on fetal developments (German measles) or male fertility (mumps).

Sore Throat

A virus or bacterium is usually the cause of a sore throat, which is often the first area of the body to respond to the infection. If a sore throat is recurring, or lasts for more than a few days, it may be the sign of a more serious illness and a physician should be consulted.


Diet and Nutrition Offer fresh fruit juices, high in vitamin C. A diluted lemon juice gargle may help.

Homeopathy Apis, Belladonna, or Hepar sulf three times a day will help relieve symptoms.

Herbal Medicine Give sage or thyme gargles with fresh lemon juice added.

Whooping Cough (Pertussis) Caused by a bacterium, whooping cough attacks the mucous membranes that line the airways. The illness may last up to four months and can be extremely serious. Whooping cough symptoms include a "whoop", or noisy intake of breath, at the end of a cough, accompanied by a mild fever, runny nose, and loss of appetite.


Diet and Nutrition Give plenty of liquids, especially if the child is vomiting. Avoid dairy products and large meals.

Homeopathy Drosera rotundifolia or Aconitum napelius will help, especially at night.

Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:

Herbal Medicine White horehound, mullein flower, thyme, and lavender may be prescribed.


This highly infectious disease is caused by the herpe, zoster virus. Symptoms include a rash of very itchy spots, usually on the body, which then spreads to the limbs, face, and head. The spots turn into watery blisters, which burst and after about five days form scab" Try to avoid scratching, which spreads the infection.


Naturopathy Give plenty of fresh orange juice, lemon tea, or lemon juice sweetened with honey. Sponge the spots with tepid water. Three tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate added to a bath of lukewarm water should help ease itching.

Homeopathy Rhus tox. will soothe the irritation: Antimonium tart. can help heal the scabs.

Herbal Medicine An infusion of elderflower sponged onto the spot, should relieve itching. For fever, offer yarrow, lime blossom, or meadowsweet herbal tea.

German Measles (Rubella) Rubella is an acute viral disease whose symptoms include a slight pink rash of tiny spots, starting behind the ears or on the face and spreading down the body, and possibly watery eyes and swollen glands.


Herbal Medicine A cool infusion of lavender, sponged onto the skin, should help relieve any itching.


This mild, infectious illness is similar to German measles and rarely needs treatment. It manifests in a pink rash with small spots, usually after a fever.

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